# Welcome

Published 2022-10-22

Welcome to the Nuklear Docs page. Nuklear is a CSS and JS library that simplifies the creation of complex components in HTML.

# Quick start

Nuklear is fully compatible with any kind of website, but it can be imported and used in many different ways such as in Electron, Tauri and every app that uses CSS and JS.

Here it is the default import lines for websites. These lines have to be added to the head of the HTML page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maruchero.github.io/nuklear/v0.1.4/style/all.css">
<script src="https://maruchero.github.io/nuklear/v0.1.4/script/all.js"></script>

Script is not always necessary for every component. Some imports can be exclude in order to improve performance. Read more on specific imports here.

# Features

  • Cool and clean design
  • Responsive
  • Cross platform
  • Frequently updated and maintained

A complete list of the components here.

# Support

Feel free to contact me: