Getting started
Using the library in your website is super simple and only requires a few steps.
You just need to insert those imports in the head of your html.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maruchero.github.io/nuklear/v0.1.4/style/all.css">
<script src="https://maruchero.github.io/nuklear/v0.1.4/script/all.js"></script>
Offline mode
If you want to use the style and the script in offline mode, the simplest way to achieve this is to download the following files and put them inside the website folder. Then import the files and the game is done!
style: https://maruchero.github.io/nuklear/v0.1.4/style/all.css
script: https://maruchero.github.io/nuklear/v0.1.4/script/all.js
Nuklear has versioned style, script and documentation, in order to keep updating the library with new features and bug patches without interfering with users, so they don't have to update their projects every time nuklear releases an update.
The last version is v0.1.4
Nuklear is already available for users, although it's still in hard development mode and its components aren't finished yet. We decided to take this approach in order to open to user testing as soon as possible.